Bharat Bhise Shares Advantages of Advanced Physical Therapy
According to Bharat Bhise, advanced physical therapy can be opted by people of all ages and backgrounds. An advanced and customized physical therapy program can help you return to your previous level of functioning, prevent injuries in the future and also make you more active. Let’s check out the benefits of advanced physical therapy.
The Advantages
- Reduce pain – In an advanced physical therapy program, you’ll go through therapeutic exercises, techniques, and treatments that are all aimed to slowly eliminate pain or at least relive it. Those techniques may include soft tissue and joint mobilization and treatments may include electrical or ultrasound stimulation to restore your joint function and recover muscle while limiting pain as much as possible.
- Enhanced mobility – If you’re having a hard time moving, standing, or walking, advanced physical therapy can benefit you immensely. In the program, you’ll have to do all kinds of strengthening and stretching exercises to restore your mobility. Physical therapists will even assess your orthotic prescription and fit you with the right crutches, canes, or other assistive devices.
These therapists are trained and educated to give you holistic care and come up with customized plans for every individual. They make sure that you get the right care, and the care program may even be extended to your daily life.
- Avoid surgery – Surgery is a daunting process. First of all, it’s invasive. No one wants to think about lying at the operation theater while a bunch of people cut them open and try to fix them. Surgery also brings a lot of risks and is often very expensive. After an injury, physical therapy may help you avoid surgery if you make a quick recovery.
A 5-year study with patients suffering from ACL injuries was shown to recover quicker and didn’t need additional surgeries. Apart from avoiding risky surgery, you also get to save a lot of money on healthcare when you have the option of advanced physical therapy.
- Improve your balance – When you opt for advanced physical therapy, a therapist will check your risk of falling. If you’re found to be at high risk for falls, the therapist would curate a program with exercises that are designed to challenge your balance within safe limits. They will also provide you with assistive devices like canes and provide exercises that improve your coordination.
- Age-related issues – As you age your body starts to change. You’re not as agile or fit anymore and more likely to develop painful ailments. Arthritis and osteoporosis are common ailments that develop with age and advanced physical therapy can help you manage those ailments. Just the increase in physical activity will start showing results very quickly.
Bharat Bhise suggests that you enroll yourself in an advanced physical therapy program if you’re recovering from an injury or if you suffer from mobility issues. Just reducing pain and being able to move freely should be enough of an incentive to make you opt for advanced physical therapy.