Top Reasons Why Companies Should Invest in Text Archiving Solutions
Whether you own a small business or a large company, you should integrate a text archiving system for many reasons.
WeChat archiving is not only critical to your business security but also vital in tracing text-based evidence for some instances on the court. Archiving also become the forefront of many organizations, helping them to maintain diverse types of data without compromising on-premise IT capabilities.
As texting, chat apps, and smartphones become more popular, employers should recognize the importance of WeChat archive in their professional communication.
Why Text Archiving is a Must-Have Essentials in Businesses?
Regulatory Compliance
Most industries have regulatory compliance concerning the need to retain and produce content. Here are some of the sectors with regulatory obligations:
- Financial Services
- Insurance
- Healthcare
- Energy
- Utilities
- Government
- Life Sciences
Even organizations outside these entities should retain and manage types of data, including financial documents, email correspondence, employee records, and client communications. Below are some of the regulations that promote text message archiving:
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
- Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA)
- PATRIOT Act and;
- Gramm-Leach Bliley Act (GLBA)
- Freedom of Information Act
- Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (FRCP)
- Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA)
Supporting Court Case
Archiving text messages, emails, or other digital communication can help preserve critical evidence relevant to a legal dispute. This evidence can establish timelines, communications, and intentions. Under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, the organization must search and produce electronic content, including email, files, and text messages.
For example, an accusation of breach of contract with a contractor could require the preservation of text messages between employees and the contractor. With a reliable text archiving platform, companies can hold onto data requested by court, regulator, or legal counsel.
End-User Self-Service
Another reason firms must have an archiving process is the benefits it provides to the employees. Text archiving allows people in business to access past contents without storing them in the device’s storage. This ability can benefit the end users and IT departments of an organization.
Overall, archiving can reduce the cost and time for upgrades, backup, and database tuning companies will incur in the long run.
If you are looking for a modern, sophisticated text archiving platform, you can consider LeapXpert. We help our clients in establishing secured business communications platforms. Visit our website to learn more.