Your Feet Can Tell a Lot About Your Health Condition
If you have diabetes, check your feet every day, even if they feel good, and visit your foot and ankle specialist Orange County if you have a cut or blister that won’t go away.
If you have diabetes, you have a lot to take care of, including monitoring your blood sugar, preparing healthy meals, finding time to exercise, taking medications, and attending appointments with Orange County wound care specialists.
Let us take this opportunity to expose some of the common myths about feet.
1. Foot pain is just a part of normal aging
You should never disregard foot pain since it is never natural. There are different causes of pain as well as numerous treatments for it.
2. It is not broken in case you can walk on it
If your foot is damaged, using it further could result in further injury. Even if you have some strength.
3. Your shoes caused your bunion
Bunions are not just brought on by shoes. Bunions, however, can become worse in shoes, particularly those with tight-toe boxes and high heels, if you already have them owing to the genetic form of your foot.
4. Duct tape can be great for removing your warts
There are a few studies that indicate duct tape can remove warts. However, the investigations did not conclude that duct tape always works.
Be alert if you observe any of the following:
1. Experiencing cold feet/toes
Cold feet or toes are frequently an indication of diabetes, inadequate blood flow, vascular problems, or peripheral artery disorders (PAD).
Of course, there are instances when it is just a matter of putting on a pair of extra-comfy socks, but other times it could be an indication of something more severe.
2. Burning feeling in the feet
The soles of our feet might occasionally experience a burning sensation, which can be an indication that they are trying to alert us to a potential problem.
Usually, neuropathy, peripheral neuropathy brought on by diabetes or other causes, or peripheral artery disease is to blame.
3. Swollen toes/feet
It can be concerning to notice that one or both of your feet or toes have unexpectedly enlarged significantly. Gout, cellulitis, neuropathic arthropathy, potential deep vein thrombosis, or arthritis can all cause or be a sign of swelling.
4. Deformed/discolored toenails
Nobody likes dealing with toenails that are distorted or discolored. Even while these problems might not be the most pleasant to see, they frequently serve as a strong warning sign for major health problems.
5. Slow healing ulcer/sore
Poor blood circulation brought on by diabetes or peripheral neuropathy may be the cause of a sore or ulcer on your foot that won’t go away.
One of the first locations symptoms of a variety of illnesses can appear is on your feet. Maintaining awareness of your feet and noticing any changes will help you swiftly recognize symptoms so you can act as soon as feasible. Visit wound care Orange County if you notice anything abnormal on your feet.